Julia-Rose Sherrill Julia-Rose Sherrill

Sleep for Performance

Sleep is not merely a period of rest; it's a crucial phase during which the body undergoes repair, restoration, and consolidation of learning and memory. For performers, this means that quality sleep directly impacts physical recovery, muscle repair, cognitive function, and emotional resilience…

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Julia-Rose Sherrill Julia-Rose Sherrill

Power Exercises for Performance

Power in dance translates to the ability to execute movements with both force and precision. It's the difference between a jump that barely leaves the ground and one that soars. Power exercises improve not just the height of your leaps but also the speed of your turns and the overall dynamism of…

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Julia-Rose Sherrill Julia-Rose Sherrill

Protein for Dancers

When it comes to dance training, nutrition is just as important as the physical aspect. Yet, there's a common misconception that seems to dance around in many performers' minds: the idea that protein intake leads to bulkiness…

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Julia-Rose Sherrill Julia-Rose Sherrill

Dynamic vs. Static Stretching

Flexibility and strength are essential for dancers. They're the backbone of every performance, from the simplest steps to the most complex routines. Yet, finding the right balance between these two isn't always straightforward...

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Julia-Rose Sherrill Julia-Rose Sherrill

Why Smart Programming is Everything For Dancers

Ever feel like you're just spinning your wheels, practicing day in and day out, but not really getting anywhere? Or maybe you've hit that dreaded wall where, no matter how much you push, you just can't seem to break through…

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Julia-Rose Sherrill Julia-Rose Sherrill

Embrace Steady State Cardio for Peak Performance and Health

While the allure of high-intensity workouts frequently captures our attention, the role of steady state cardio in enhancing endurance, supporting cardiovascular health, and optimizing fat utilization cannot be overstated, especially for ballet dancers whose…

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Julia-Rose Sherrill Julia-Rose Sherrill

Why SAQ Drills?

For dancers, SAQ drills are not just training; they are an art form. These drills directly correlate with the intricacies of petite allegro, requiring rapid, precise footwork and the ability to move gracefully in all directions. By enhancing neuromuscular connections, dancers can achieve…

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Julia-Rose Sherrill Julia-Rose Sherrill

The Power of Posture

Proper posture enables our spine to support our body weight with minimal strain, which is vital for spinal health. This alignment ensures the even distribution of forces on…

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Julia-Rose Sherrill Julia-Rose Sherrill

Best Ballet Workouts: Legs & Glutes

The elegance and strength of a ballerina's physique, especially the sculpted legs and lifted butt, are widely admired and aspired to, not just by dancers but by fitness enthusiasts everywhere. While the refined, athletic form of a ballerina might seem like a distant dream, achieving toned legs and a lifted butt is entirely possible with…

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Julia-Rose Sherrill Julia-Rose Sherrill

Dealing With Injuries

Injuries are an unwelcome yet inevitable part of a dancer's life, bringing not just physical but also significant psychological challenges. Having undergone several foot surgeries, a shoulder reconstruction, and recovery from broken foot bones myself, I've experienced firsthand…

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Julia-Rose Sherrill Julia-Rose Sherrill

Flexibility For Beginners

For dancers, flexibility is not just beneficial; it's essential. It enables the flawless execution of moves like arabesques, adagios, and grand battements, while also reducing the risk of injuries…

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Julia-Rose Sherrill Julia-Rose Sherrill

A Guide to Smarter Training

In the world of dance, the mantra often goes: push through pain and exhaustion. This mindset, while glamorized on stage, can lead to detrimental outcomes such as injury or burnout. These outcomes are far from the fairy tales we imagine and can hinder our progress for years, sometimes irreversibly.

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Julia-Rose Sherrill Julia-Rose Sherrill

What is Cross-Training for Dancers?

Telling a dancer to simply "get stronger" is advice that falls flat without the necessary guidance on how to build strength safely…

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Julia-Rose Sherrill Julia-Rose Sherrill

Why do Ballerinas need strong glutes?

Historically, the ballet world has not placed a significant emphasis on strength and conditioning training. However, with the evolving demands for increased strength and flexibility…

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Julia-Rose Sherrill Julia-Rose Sherrill

Tips For New Adult Ballet Students

Venturing into the ballet world as an adult may seem daunting at first glance. Ballet's complexity and the years of practice it demands can be overwhelming…

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Julia-Rose Sherrill Julia-Rose Sherrill

Why Dancer’s Diets Don’t Work

From ketogenic and paleo to intermittent fasting and veganism for weight loss, dancers often find themselves caught in a cycle of trying out various fad diets in hopes of achieving or maintaining a certain physique. However, the harsh reality…

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Julia-Rose Sherrill Julia-Rose Sherrill

Rest & Recovery for Dancers

For dancers, the significance of rest and recovery cannot be overstated. It's a crucial element that allows the body to repair, strengthen, and prepare for the demands of intense dance routines and performances…

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